Following a number of canonical infringements against our bishop's authority, a series of wholly unjustified accusations and a refusal to recant and repent, Sayedna Silouan, having taken advice from senior clergy and his canonist, has deposed the former priest Matei Vulcanescu and returned him to the status of layman. Please do read in full the bishop's announcement below. We are offering care to his community in Liverpool.
You can't just accuse anyone of being an ecumenist and heretic just because you feel like it.
Lately his YouTube channel has a video accusing Saint Sophrony Of Essex as ecumenist.
Someone should seriously reprimand him and bring him to reason.
Very saddening to see Met. Siluoan's response to this. It is undoubtable that ecumenism is a heresy... Such depositions will only create a bigger wound down the road. I beg those, please prayerfully consider the letters of Fr Matthew and Fr Patrick Ramsey... Many faithful wholeheartedly agree with them..